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Are You Playing to Win or Not to Lose?

What we’re living through right now is unprecedented. There’s no playbook for it and no roadmap. But there is something you can do.

If your company is one that’s been severely affected by the COVID-19 shutdown, you’re probably spending your days right now cutting costs to the bone, trying to get emergency loans, and figuring out how to survive. We get it. That’s exactly what you should be doing. While this is not our area of our expertise, we are always here to help you in any way we can.

For everyone else, we have a question. As we go through this unprecedented time, are you going to survive or are you going to thrive? As a friend of ours asks, “Are you playing to win, or just playing not to lose?”

Overwhelmingly, our clients are playing to win. That’s true even for some who suffered immediate, dramatic consequences from the shutdown. The reason for this is that they’ve been hard at work—some for years and some for just a few months—building the core strength of their business. Here’s what they’ve become strong at:

  • Making sure that the priorities are clear and that everyone knows what they are
  • Making sure everyone is clear who is accountable for doing what
  • Figuring out what has to get done day-in and day-out, and creating accountability to make sure those things get done
  • Figuring out which big projects are critical to their future and creating accountability to make sure they get done
  • Staying connected as a team, being rigorously open and honest with each other and holding one another accountable
  • Making important decisions without excessive delay
  • Solving real problems quickly

One of our clients describes the EOS® process that we’ve taken them through as “Pilates for your business.” It’s about building core strength.

Here’s what other clients have said in the past few days:

  • “EOS has really helped us during this time.”
  • “We are so lucky that we started implementing EOS before this happened—it’s helped us create order amid all this craziness.”
  • 👍🏼

The best time to start building core strength is six months ago. The second-best time is now.

If you’re ready, please click here and we’ll start the conversation.

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